Buoyancy Program

Staff at Sirius College have begun a “Buoyancy” program at lunchtimes for a fortnight. The aim of the program is to provide students with the abilities to engage, initiate, invite or join play and develops children’s empathy - all within a situation and environment, which is small and comfortable. People have different personalities, learn differently and enjoy different play experiences – our aim is to engage and develop those differences for the child’s health and well-being.


Foundation News

Market Fresh Program

On Thursday 19th of April, foundation students had a Market Fresh incursion. The market Fresh Program is designed to teach students about the importance of eating fresh fruits and vegetables every day as part of a healthy balanced diet. It is a popular program that educates students about nutrition of fruit and vegetables; how fresh fruits and vegetables are grown, harvested and an overview of the supply chain in the Australian fresh produce industry. Students were encouraged to taste test fresh produce. Please remember, a healthy body equals a healthy mind.

Foundation Team